
MHVG Constitution



1. The association is called the “Maidstone Historic Vehicle Group” hereafter known as MHVG.

2. The objectives of the MHVG are to encourage the use and preservation of historic vehicles.

3. Membership of MHVG is open to all enthusiasts of historic vehicles.

4. MHVG is managed by the Chairman and Committee who will report to the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The committee will consist of a minimum of 8 members. Candidates who wish to stand for the committee should have been active members of MHVG for a minimum period of 12 months prior to standing for election. They should preferably give at least two weeks’ notice prior to the AGM, in writing to the Chairman or Secretary along with the names of their proposer and seconder. Under exceptional circumstances candidates may be proposed and seconded at the AGM.

5. The AGM will be held at the monthly club night each October unless the committee give prior notice of a change of date. Notice of the AGM, the agenda, the minutes of the previous meeting and the new committee member nomination form will be sent to members 6 weeks prior to the date of the AGM.

6. At the AGM, committee members standing for re-election will normally be voted for ‘en bloc’, unless there is a majority vote to the contrary.

7. The Committee will decide the roles of its officers at the first committee meeting following the AGM and will consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Co-ordinator, Membership Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Standing Committee.

8. Any committee member not attending three consecutive meetings without prior notification to the committee will cease to be a member of the committee.

9. The cost of the annual subscription is to be set by the committee to cover the anticipated general expenditure of the club.

10. Any change in the annual subscription will be announced at the AGM.

11. Subscriptions are due in January of each year, and will be two tiered - single membership enabling one vote, or joint membership enabling two votes. However only one newsletter will be sent, to the principal member.

12. Any member not paying their subscription promptly will be sent a reminder. If subsequent to this the subscription remains unpaid, the member will be deemed to have left the club and consequently will not receive any further newsletters or invitations to club events.
13. The Chairman may, with the approval of the committee, create sub-committees for specific duties and assign specific roles to individuals. The Chairman may also co-opt others to serve on the committee during the year.

14. The Chairman will keep order at committee meetings and the AGM.
The Vice-Chairman will undertake the chairman’s role in the absence of the chairman. The Vice-Chairman will not automatically replace the Chairman at the end of the Chairman’s term of office.

15. The Secretary will minute all meetings and send a copy of the minutes to the relevant officers/members within a reasonable timescale. The secretary will also perform other duties as befitting a club secretary.

16. The Treasurer will keep the records of MHVG accounts and present an independently audited financial statement at the AGM.

17. The Social Co-ordinator will schedule events into an annual calendar and provide assistance to event organisers as and when required.

All MHVG members are encouraged to contribute to club activities. Ideas for events, speakers, tours or other activities likely to be of wider interest to the club are welcomed. The Social Co-ordinator and committee members will provide assistance to any club member wishing to organise an event. The Social Co-ordinator must be informed of all proposed activities so that they can be scheduled into the calendar and advertised to the membership via the newsletter or electronic media.

18. The Membership Secretary will be responsible for the collection of annual membership subscriptions, updating the membership records and other associated tasks.

19. The Newsletter Editor will organise and produce a quarterly newsletter to provide reports and information about club events, matters relevant to the club or articles of interest to club members. Items for Input to the newsletter are to be provided by the club members.

20. Any committee member may take questions or proposals from club members at any time and will ensure that such are raised at the next committee meeting when necessary.

21. Members may also raise questions at the AGM but whenever possible questions should be put in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the AGM. Any member wishing to speak to the AGM should direct their comments, questions or proposals to the chair. If the committee members present cannot answer a question raised on the night, the answer will be published following a committee meeting discussion.

22. Voting at the AGM will be in strict accordance with the membership criteria i.e. single or joint membership and will be by a show of voting cards [voting cards will be issued to eligible members on signing in to the AGM]. In the event of a formal count being demanded and there still being no clear majority, the Chairman shall have the casting [extra] vote.

23. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the committee or by at least one third of the membership on request to the serving committee.

24. These rules are as agreed by the committee in accordance with the directive at a previous AGM. Any request for change to the constitution should be submitted in writing to the Chairman for the Committee to discuss. If the Committee then decides that a vote on the proposed change is required, this will take place at the next AGM.

25. Whilst the Committee will take every reasonable step to ensure the financial running of MHVG is in accordance with the trust invested in them, any debts incurred are the responsibility of the whole membership, not just the Committee. Individual events are expected to be more or less self-financing.

26. Winding up. In the event of the need or desire to wind up the MHVG, an Extraordinary General Meeting must be called by the committee or at least one third of the membership remaining at that time. The balance of any money remaining (from club funds and the sale of club assets etc.) after the settlement of all outstanding debts will be donated to a designated charity as voted for by the remaining members.