Privacy Policy

Maidstone Historic Vehicle Group


Maidstone Historic Vehicle Group – Privacy / Data Protection Policy
The General Data Protection Regulation is designed to balance the need for businesses and customers’ data information to flow freely, and the need to protect the rights of the individual. In respect to Maidstone Historic Vehicle Group, this can be interpreted as ‘The business’ [MHVG] ‘The Customers’ [MHVG Membership] and ‘The Individual’ [individual Member].
This document explains how your personal data is collected, stored and used.
Information Held
Membership of MHVG is by annual subscription payable in January. Members personal data is collected by means of the membership application/renewal form to be completed at the time of joining/renewing membership. In completing the relevant section of the form, you are agreeing that your data is used in accordance with this document.
MHVG collect and hold only enough personal information to undertake the functions of the club i.e.
• Name
• Address
• Telephone number
• email address
• Vehicles used for club events – make/model/year/reg no. (Submission of vehicles used is voluntary).
Name, address, telephone number and email address are held in a database on a password protected computer by the Membership Secretary.
The paper application/renewal forms containing Name, address, telephone number, email address and vehicles used are also retained by the Membership Secretary.
The purpose for collecting this information is to provide club services to the members E.g. send club magazine, send club news sheet, communicate details of club events etc. Communication may be by post, email or telephone, whichever is most appropriate.
Personal data is retained for the duration of membership and for a further period of 12 months following lapse of the membership.
How is your data going to be used? – the committee use your data for the sole purpose of running the Maidstone Historic Vehicle Group – This involves sending club magazine, communicating member events etc. Personal Information is not shared with or between the general membership.
We will only use your information in connection with MHVG business. Appropriate information may be shared with a third party acting on our behalf e.g., when mailing club magazines, in which case we will seek assurance that the data will be deleted by the third party on completion of the task.

Individual Rights
You have the right of access to your personal data held by MHVG for the purpose of rectification and the right of erasure of your personal data.
Subject Access Requests (SAR)
Any request concerning your personal data should be addressed to the Membership Secretary.
Lawful Basis for Processing Personal Data
The purpose of the Maidstone Historic Vehicle Group is to provide a service for members, to encourage the use and preservation of historic vehicles.
Data Breaches
Data is held on a password and anti-virus protected computer, and as a paper data file. In the unlikely event of a data breach, members will be informed immediately.
Data Protection Officer [DPO] The Membership Secretary is the delegated DPO for the MHVG.

The Chairman – MHVG