

We've selected a few destinations which we have visited recently


The Cooden Beach Hotel - on the sea front with super weather, great sea views and large car park. Easy access to several areas of interest, in the company of MHVG Members and their cars.


The Area known as Wallonia. Based on Dinant with stunning scenery and good restaurants, the Group of MHVG Members thoroughly enjoyed their time away.


Haute Normandie - 20 cars and crews descended on the little town of Saint Saens . Situated about 30 miles south of Dieppe, the Golf Hotel at Le Vaudichon, a Chateau with truly stunning grounds was the base for four nights.

MHVG Tour of Haute Normandie, 20 cars and crews descended on the little town of Saint Saens on the 3rd of May. Situated about 30 miles south of Dieppe, the Golf Hotel at Le Vaudichon, a Chateau with truly stunning grounds was the base for four nights.


We are a group of sociable car enthusiasts based essentailly in Maidstone but drawing membership from Hampshire to Dover. The accent is on interest in Classic Cars of all ages and types – indeed members’ cars range from Brighton Run cars to newish Morgans. In this we differ from single marque clubs and have a totally diverse membership covering most popular makes of classic car. The balance of activities and purpose is to meet together for various activities we hold during the year – an even balance of cars and sociability. .

John Butler

My husband, Peter, and myself joined the MHVG in July 2000. Our close friends at the time had been members since the early days of the club and, after repeated tales of their excursions abroad and in the UK, we decided to become members too. Joining MHVG changed our lives! Now we were using the cars for their true purpose along with a friendly bunch of like-minded enthusiasts. Soon we were out and about nearly every weekend throughout the Spring, Summer and Autumn. Once or twice we even ventured into northern France for longer stays.

Joan Ross

I joined MHVG over 13 years ago. Not being sure of what was expected from new members, my wife, Ann and I tentatively came along to one or two meetings. Were we going to be bored stiff by technical stuff? Was our classic up to par? Was there a “bonnets up” mentality? What we found was a very convivial atmosphere with everyone going out of their way to be friendly and interested. There were none of the cliquey groups that can plague clubs, and while most talk was car-related, it certainly did not detract from the experience. From the annual Dinner Dance in January through to our Christmas Party the calendar covers 11 Club Nights, at least 7 Sunday and 2 mid -week Road Runs, 2 Away Breaks and much, much more.

Hugh Thompson

Social Co Ordinator